The George W. Bush Presidential Library

The Texas Air National Guard Room - Where you don't have to even show up.

The Hurricane Katrina Room - It's still under construction.

The Alberto Gonzales Room - Where you can't remember any of the exhibits.

The Walter Reed Hospital Room - Where they don't let you in.

The Guantanamo Bay Room - Where they don't let you out.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction Room - Nobody has been able to find it.

The K-Street Project Gift Shop - Where you can buy an election, or, if no one cares, steal one.

Snack Bar - We're having problems with Diebold electronic ordering machine. No matter what you order, it keeps coming up Bush BBQ.

The Loyalty Wing - Where you can smear your friends or former friends. A tour favorite is the Character Assasination Room where you can eavesdrop on real people, start a whispering campaign, announce they are un-American, get them fired, and sic the IRS on them.

The War in Iraq Room - After you complete your first tour of the room, you are forced on a second and third and fourth and fifth tours of the room.

Tell me another Joke!
