A Gentleman

Mrs. Rapoport and Mrs. Schwartz were sitting around the lunchroom table at the senior citizens high rise.

"So, Mrs. Rapoport. What's new?"

"Vell" said Mrs. Rapoport, "Last night I vent out vith Mr. Stein, and he vas such a gentleman. Vhy, ven he came to the door to pick me up, he brought roses. Then ven ve vent out to eat, such a gentleman. He ordered lobster vith all zee trimmings. Ven ve vent home, he held zee door for me, but ven ve got into mine house, he ripped off all my clothes, dragged me to the bedroom and had his vay vith me..."

"Oh, my goodness!" said Mrs. Stein. "Why, I have a date with him tonight! What do you think I should do?"

"Vell, if I vere you, I vould vear old clothes..."

Tell me another Joke!
