In The News ...

Super Show: The WB network announced plans to air a live- action TV show featuring the adventures of Superman as a teenager. In the first episode, the 15-year-old Superman has sex for the first time and earns the description, "faster than a speeding bullet." (Steve Voldseth)

Parent Prison: A report says 1.5 million kids have a parent in prison. This says something unusual about our culture. NFL players must have big, big families. (RAY)

Happy B-Day: Darva Conger turned 35 yesterday. Friends had a party for her last night. --A man jumped out of the cake--Darva married him. --(Actually,) the highlight of the party was a giant pinata filled with Geraldo Rivera's money. (Steve Voldseth)

More Darva: Asked about her relationship with Geraldo, Darva said she is upbeat, but, if it doesn't work out, next she's going to try to win some of Ben Stein's money. (Voldseth)

Sipowitz Rules: Seven years ago today, "NYPD Blue" debuted on television. Seven years--or as Dennis Franz calls it, "many moons ago." (Voldseth)

Me, me, me: Last night on "60 Minutes II" Madonna talked about Guy Ritchie, the current man in her life. They wanted her to talk about all the men in her life, but then they would have had to call it "48 Hours." (Voldseth)

Yeah, yeah, yeah: In TV movie news, it was announced today, that, in an upcoming NBC TV movie on the life of musician, John Lennon, the part of Lennon will be played by the relatively unknown actor, Phillip McQuillen--while the part of Ringo Starr will be played by the relatively unknown British musician, Ringo Starr. (Steve Voldseth)

New Report: A new report coming out of England, today, says that London no longer has enough cemetery space to bury their dead people. Which, if you think about it, explains Keith Richards. (Voldseth)

Kid Violence: NBC News mentioned this statistic: by the time they leave grade school, U.S. children see 100,000 violent acts in the media. In response to this, the National Football League has reduced games to 45 minutes! (Burkard)

e-mail Alert: There's stunning royal family news. Britain's "Independent" newspaper reports Britney Spears has orders to stop sending e-mails to Prince William! Apparently that means no "anonymous" messages, either followed by an "Oops, I did it again!" (Burkard)

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