Film Review - Wild Things

Wild Things was both a disappointment and a surprise. Disappointment, because of all the hype about the sex in the film. Yawn. Surprise, because the twists in the plot were completely unforeseen.

OK, we've got a high school guidance counselor accused of rape by a rich girl. He's acquitted, he sues and settles out of court for a lot of cash. Now the fun begins. The question becomes who is in the scam and who isn't?

I can't tell much more without giving the film away. But we've got cops not satisfied with the outcome looking for what really happened; murder; alligators, and just for the ladies, a peek at Kevin Bacon's dick.

Yes, there is one scene with Matt Dillon, Neve Campbell and Denise Richards having a threesome, but other than seeing Denise Richards' breasts, this wasn't anything to grab the remote over. Forget about the sex: the plot is the best part, as holey as it is.

I do have to tell you the holes in this plot are so bad that in the closing credits they had to go back and try to fill them after the fact. But they did leave one unfilled, as a main character is shot and killed, but comes back to life later. Uh ... aren't people going to realize there was no one to have a funeral for? Sorry, you can drive a truck through that hole, and it's pivotal to the plot.

Wild Things is only a fair film that came from a year of junk. If Denise Richards or Kevin Bacon floats your boat, you'll probably drool over it.

Dust Bag Full

Film Facts

Directed by John McNaughton

Released in 1998

MPAA Rating: R

Reviewed by Mongo