Film Review - Under Siege

If it's really this easy to hijack a United States warship, heaven help us!

So, let's say you're a Navy Seal who gets busted for doing something stupid. Your captain decides to bring you along on his next command as a cook so you can finish your 20 years and retire. And, of course, no one knows about your past as a trained killer. Sure, this happens all the time.

Now, you hate the first officer and mouth off to all the officers, but that's tolerated because you make really good gumbo. Sure this happens all the time.

When your ship gets ripped off with the greatest of ease, you know where to find the satellite telephone and you know the phone number of the Pentagon situation room. Sure, this happens all the time.

This is a fun movie, but you really have to put reality on hold. Nothing like this ever happens on a U.S. Navy ship. If it did, we'd really be screwed.

Jammed Pipe!

Film Facts

Directed by Andrew Davis

Released in 1992

MPAA Rating: R

Reviewed by Mongo