Film Review - Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect isn't. It is supposed to be a comedy of errors about a woman trying to get ahead in advertising without telling a lie. Didn't anyone tell her it was advertising?

This imperfect picture is also Jennifer Aniston's imitation of David Caruso's "It's my turn" act. This was supposed to break her out of her TV show. Strike One.

Picture Perfect isn't funny enough. There needs to be three times the jokes for this picture to work. The other problem with this picture is the sex. There's lots of talk about sex, and Aniston runs around in dresses she is in danger of falling out of, but she indeed never does fall out and relieve the tension created in the audience. Sorry, Jennifer, if you're going to shove them in our face, then you should go for it.

Dust Bag Full

Film Facts

Directed by Glenn Gordon Caron

Released in 1997

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Reviewed by Mongo